Tracking Conversions from Click-thrus to Patients

You might ask how many of IHR's click-thrus actually became patients or clients. Here's some information to answer that question:

  1. Trust that targeted promotion works:

    Most IHR clients realize the importance of doing targeted advertising, so it's enough for them to know that they are advertising on IHR's targeted websites. Many are aware that advertising is a numbers game and that typically more advertising/eyeballs translates into more patients/customers.

  2. Patients may reach you through numerous channels:

    Some patients may find you through multiple channels - e.g. a recommendation from a friend, your website, and newspaper advertising. Each channel will add on to confirm that you are the appropriate organization or physician.

  3. Use rough metrics for tracking conversions:

    By doing some careful tracking for a certain period of time, you can establish a rough conversion metric. For example, you might find that for every 200 visits to your website, one of them becomes a patient. So, if you are paying $.50 per click-thru, then the cost was about $100 to obtain a new patient.

  4. Use technology to track actions on your website:

    It's possible for you to track all users that come to your site and then complete some action on your website, such as complete an information request form or complete a request for appointment form. Feel free to discuss this option with IHR.

  5. Use IHR's Lead-Generation Service:

    Our fertility lead-generation info is here.

  6. Ask new patients/customers how they found you:

    This method typically produces incorrect information. Here are the problems:
    • New patients/customers would typically not remember how they got to your website. Consequently, they would not remember that they were on an web page before they came to your website.
    • This method relies on a busy staff person carefully asking a questions about this. This can be unreliable.
    • The new patient/customer may have come to you from more than one source. For example, perhaps they found you on the Internet and then a week later, their friend referred them to you.
Quicklinks -
IHR Services for Fertility Organizationss
1. Promotion 2. Egg Donor Database